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1st Annual TREP Project Conference

Friday May 18 2018, 8:30-5:00PM 

Location: Chicago Theological Seminary 

1407 E. 60th St. Chicago, IL 60637

Moving Trauma Responsive Schools From Rhetoric to Practice


An examination of the policies, structures, and practices necessary to improve student outcomes. 

TREP Project

Conference presented in collaboration with Educators for Excellence, CPS’s Office of Social and Emotional Learning, Chicago’s Urban Teacher Education Program, and UChicago Impact.

The conference is open to all those who have a vested interest in improving outcomes for youth who have been exposed to trauma: From educators to community outreach organizations to those in the funding community. Collective action is essential in supporting our youth. 


The conference is free for all in attendance. 

Teachers can earn 3 CPDUs for half-day and 6 CPDUs for full-day attendance. 


8:00 - 8:30           Check-in


8:30 - 9:00           Opening Comments


9:00 - 10:00         Opening Panel 

What we don’t know can hurt them: Understanding children’s and youth's exposure to violence and its implications for educational inequality


10:10 - 12:00       Morning Professional Development Workshops


12:00 - 12:15       Lunch Boxes Served


12:15 - 1:15         Lunch Panel 

The psychological trauma of deportation uncertainty and its educational effects


1:30 - 3:30           Afternoon Professional Development Workshops


3:45 - 4:45           Closing Panel 

Going to scale: Moving from the individual classroom to school, district and state policies that can catalyze and sustain change


4:45 - 5:00          Closing Comments

​​​​​​​Professional Development Workshops


1. Creating school leadership teams that can drive change

Presented by Educators For Excellence 


2. Relational approach to discipline

Presented by Chicago’s Urban Teacher Education Program


3. Systems, structures, and professional learning to build trauma responsive practices

Presented by UChicago Impact


4. Proactive, restorative, and trauma-sensitive discipline

Presented by CPS’s Office of Social and Emotional Learning


5. Multi-tiered approach to creating trauma-sensitive schools

Presented by CPS’s Office of Social and Emotional Learning


6. Preventing and managing secondary traumatic stress

Presented by the TREP Project


7. Trauma responsive approach to preventing challenging classroom behaviors

Presented by the TREP Project

Conference funded by the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture, UChicago Urban,

and the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory.


The TREP Project is funded by The Women’s Board of the University of Chicago and the Hymen Milgrom Supporting Organization.

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