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Practice Focused Professional Learning Portal to Meet An Urgent Need

TREP Project

Learning portal includes 5 courses targeting a range of staff roles because meeting the needs of students coping with trauma is an all staff effort.

Our online learning programs emerged out of requests to extend access to the in-person professional learning we were doing with schools in Chicago IL, Columbus OH, and Akron OH.

We worked with New York City Public Schools and Delaware Department of Education to create an all staff and community partners learning portal. We can now create a customized learning portal for districts or school networks with 1,000 or more staff members. *Discounted cost for 75 to 999 staff members. 

Each course was developed in collaboration with partner districts and schools. The collaborations focused on adapting evidence-based strategies for the everyday realities of school and classroom management. 


TREP Project

Understanding Trauma & Trauma Responsive Educational Practices

 This course will support you in understanding: (1) what trauma is and the neuroscience behind understanding the dysregulated behaviors presented by students who have experienced trauma; (2) a framework for the strategies that transform schools and classrooms into contexts that promote post-traumatic growth; (3) evidence-based benefits for investing in ensuring that your pedagogical practices are trauma responsive; and (4) quick start universal precaution practices.

TREP Project

Build Capacity to Bring  Tier 2 Down to Tier 1

This course with companion student and staff assessment and activities manual will prepare you with (1) the knowledge and awareness of trauma and how it shows up in student behaviors; (2) a range of practices and planning materials to support students coping with grief and loss, and high level of anxiety and distress; (3) a range of student assessments and activities to foster their well-being; and (4) a series of staff assessments and self-care activities to foster your well-being. 

TREP Project

Mental Health & Trauma Learning for School Nurses

This course addresses the needs identified by school nurses who report that they are often called in to respond to student mental health challenges. The National Association of School Psychologists estimates that the COVID-19 pandemic will result in an overall doubling or tripling of students experiencing psychological distress that can undermine their success in the classroom. With targeted professional development school nurses can play a pivotal role in meeting students’ increasing need for social, emotional, and mental health support.

TREP Project

How Security Staff Can Support Students Coping with Trauma

Meeting students mental health needs is an all staff effort, and security staff are often called upon to respond to students who are exhibiting behavioral dysregulation. This course will build the capacity of security staff to (1) understand how psychological and emotional distress can show up as acting-out and escalating behaviors, (2) de-escalation strategies that are responsive to the needs of students coping with trauma, and (3) strategies for getting beyond surface behaviors to understand and support students who are feeling anxious, agitated, and defensive. 

TREP Project

Effective School-Based Student Support Teams

The challenge is the scarcity of meeting and planning time relative to the number of students who need planned support. By creating an effective and efficient Behavior and Mental Health Team or strengthening a relevant existing team, schools can move from lurching from one student crisis to the next, to having protected meeting time to think and plan proactively for interventions that go beyond minimizing harm and instead promote positive development. This course shares what we learned from helping schools create highly effective teams that coordinate a school’s tiers of supports.

Over 80,000 school staff have completed one of our courses and their response to the course satisfaction survey is remarkably high.

95% “Agreed or Strongly Agreed” that the courses enhanced their understanding of trauma.

96% “Agreed or Strongly Agreed” that the courses provided tools they can implement in their work with students.

94% “Agreed or Strongly Agreed” that the courses made them more self-aware of how they can adjust their interactions with students who are coping with trauma.

Cost is based on the number of school and community partner staff that will have access to the portal.

Revamped Courses

The main critique was wanting more interactive content to meet the needs of a broad range of learning styles and more ways to activate the learning to increase implementation in work with students. We have listened and all courses will be re-launched on June 13th. 

Enroll now to provide your staff access the revamped courses when they are released on June 13th

Build Toolbox Of Strategies

Each course is targeted to the roles of various school staff and will build their toolbox of strategies to respond to the psychological, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs of students coping with trauma.

Easily Digestible Units

Course content is broken down into easily digestible units and presented with a blend of multimedia and practice and planning assignments to facilitate engagement.

Practice Focused

Courses utilize a range of reflection assignments and planning activities. Courses also include self-care assessments and activities to foster staff well-being.

Staff will have access to the learning portal for 12 months. 

Instantly Create A Learning Community

The learning portal enters your staff into a closed learning community that can help break down the sense of isolation that increases educator stress. Staff share thoughts, ideas, and strategies in response to collective discussion prompts. This is a closed learning community only accessible to your district or school.  


Too many educators feel that they are alone in their attempts to figure out how to respond to dysregulated students, and principals can’t be expected to have all the answers.

All courses come with a completion certificate enabling administrators to track completion.

Build Capacity & Prevent Burnout

We have two new workbooks based on the coaching we are doing with educators to address two of core elements of educator distress that causes compassion fatigue, conflictual interactions with students, and eventually burnout.

We heard you when you said that “adults also have diverse learning styles and some would want the information as an interactive course.” When you purchase either book you will also receive access to the same content turned into an online course. 

Your Guide to Educator Self-Care

TREP Project

Trauma Responsive De-Esaclation

TREP Project

Request Learning Portal Summary & Cost Sheet

Cost is based on the number of school and community partner staff that will access to the courses.

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We will not sell or share your contact information with other organizations.

Thank you. We will follow up soon.

Learning Portal Summary & Cost Sheet
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